We design, build and grow
Our method is to become an integral part of your team

OYE Network acquired support from European Regional Development Fund in the sum of 301 500 EUR (07.08.2017 – 10.07.2018) to develop a high availability and decentralised cloud platform that makes application development much more coherent, synoptic, efficient and affordable.
Learn more at warren.io
Why work with us?
We study your business and become part of your team. Together with you we define long term goals and work out the action plan to achive this vision. We provide strategic insight that we have gathered over the years of working on hunders of e-commerce projects and push relentlessly to transform this vision into reality.

Technological advantage
Our deep-rooted and long interest in modern technologies has always kept us at the forefront of what is possible. Because of that, we built web 2.0-type projects in 1999 when the term came into use, built single-page applications style solutions already in 2005, and started working with Magento before it was publicly released.

Oleme rahul tootega mida OYE Network tegi. Mured lahendatakse kiiresti ning ka töövälisel ajal tullakse vastu ja tagatakse kliendi rahulolu. Ükski arendus ei ole ületamatu. Projektijuhid annavad soovitusi ja tagavad parima lahenduse kliendi soovidele.
Äripaev ja e-kaubanduse liit valis meid eesti kõige kasutaja- sõbralikumaks e-poeks jalatsite ja riiete kategoorias! Tänud abi eest!
Meile, kui e-poele on väga tähtis, kui kiiresti suudab IT firma tekkinud probleemile reageerida ja selle lahendada. Selles osas ainult kiidusõnad!
See oli meie esimene kogemus arendada firma kodulehte. Tänu teie toetusele ning professionaalsele tööle saime super lõpptulemuse!